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​Transformer Tool

This professional tool is suitable for all of our products. It is easy to learn. By using the specially designed tools to apply our professional products, you can achieve the desired results you are looking for.



Our self-designed and produced rings can be used for strands and weft products. The ends of this product have done special rounded edge treatment to prevent damage to natural hair. Each ring is coated to ensure that it does not come into direct contact with natural hair. Available in Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Auburn, and Blonde. By choosing different colored rings, you can perfectly blend them with natural hair, achieving the goal of invisibility.

Available in Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, and Blonde.


This product can be applied to all of our products in conjunction with Rings, It is ingeniously designed for ease of use, allowing for effortless pulling of natural hair. 
To create a contrast with hair color, it comes in two colors: red and green.



This product is made from years-old pig bristles sourced from the spine. Plastic pins are inserted within each bundle of pig bristles, making it easy to detangle and comb through hair. The combed hair results in a natural shine. Available in both big and small sizes of the comb brush.

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